Sherlock is Moriarty.

I have been following Sherlock since it began. I am of course referring to the BBC television series with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. The last episode, The Abominable Bride', left us all wondering were in the world they are going with this Moriarty storyline. Is he back or isn't he? Well I have a theory of my own...
In the last episode.
Sherlock went into his mind palace after taking an overdose (to go deep enough) to try and work out if Moriarty could have faked his death. He concluded that Moriarty is indeed dead but also said that he knows what his next move will be. This was a deliberate way of confusing everyone and leaving us to speculate what will happen next; keeping us intrigued until the series returns.
Here is a link for a better follow up to the end of series three. HIS LAST VOW.
And here is a link for a better follow up to the Christmas special. THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE. This was the last episode. From here on everything follows on from this.
Here is a link for a better follow up to the end of series three. HIS LAST VOW.
And here is a link for a better follow up to the Christmas special. THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE. This was the last episode. From here on everything follows on from this.
When Sherlock confronts Moriarty in his mind palace he says to him, 'You're dead'. He seems to be almost questioning it, but at the same time trying to convince himself of this. Moriarty responds by saying, 'Not in your mind. I'll never be dead in your mind'. What does this mean?
Well, I think it sounds like Sherlock is just accepting and realizing the fact that he has an obsession with him. Moriarty has been a part of his mind palace since they first met after all. And he is almost on a par with his intelligence. We sore how Sherlock reacted at the end of series three to someone who was smarter than or as smart as himself (Magnussen). He shot and killed him as he was out of other options. We see Sherlock have a mental break down at this point. Mycroft is the reason he was spared a prison sentence and we was left being sent off to Eastern Europe to escape trial. We then see Moriarty's face appear all over every TV in England. Here's what I think really happened...
First ask yourself, 'who is the third Holmes brother'? There have been many theories on this. I personally believe that the third Holmes brother was an alter ego created by Sherlock. I think that a part of his mind palace got the better of him and became an internalised imaginary companion. Why else have we not seen him yet? Why do they simply refer to him as 'the third brother' and not mention him by name? Why are they so ashamed of him? We know Sherlock has and incredible mind, but we also know that he has had problems with drugs. Could this have been a side effect? He needs to question his theories to know if he's on the right track. But his ego is so immense that perhaps he needed to create a character that would question and argue with him. When he does so he feels almost stupid. We have seen how he feels like a stupid little boy whenever he gets things wrong, like when he has been shot by Mary and can't work out if the bullet is still in him and in his mind his brother Mycroft makes him feel like a helpless little boy when he can't figure it out.
He goes back to this same child like state of helplessness after killing Magnussen as well meaning this happens when he is afraid. In his drug addled mind could an alter ego have once gotten the better of him? And is it possible that Moriarty has now become that alter ego like a dissociated identity?
He goes back to this same child like state of helplessness after killing Magnussen as well meaning this happens when he is afraid. In his drug addled mind could an alter ego have once gotten the better of him? And is it possible that Moriarty has now become that alter ego like a dissociated identity?
When John, Mary and Mycroft confront Sherlock on the plane and discover that has over dosed himself Mycroft says to Sherlock, 'I helped you before and I'll help you again'. This could mean help him with his addiction, or the consequences of his drug taking. Or both. Does he suspect what I suspect?...
We know that Sherlock can influence a number of mobile phones all at once. He has done this many times before in many episodes. Usually a room full of people will be listening to the lies or incorrect theories of some police official and they'll all simultaneously get a text message that just says 'WRONG'. Sherlock of course being the person who sent it. Could he have sent this message from Moriarty, 'Did you miss me?' around the country too? After all it's just a picture of Moriarty's face, not Moriarty himself whom is as Sherlock points out most likely dead. What if Moriarty has in fact taken over some part of his mind from within his mind palace without Sherlock meaning for this to happen? He is obsessed with him. He had a mental break down or appeared to after killing Magnussen. I think his inner demons have finally got the better of him.
We'll find out if I'm right in series 4. But until then, feel free to let me know what you think. As always if you disagree then let me know what I've missed.
Prove me wrong.
Riddle me this: ANSWER- The answer to the last riddle is, the man in the bar had hiccups which is why he asked for a glass of water. The bartender upon realising this pointed a gun at him to give him a shock, which worked and cured his hiccups.
NEXT RIDDLE- Five men are heading towards a building. On the way there it starts to rain so four of them quicken pace to get there faster, but the fifth man does not make any effort to move any faster. How did he still keep up with them and also stay dry?
Riddle me this: ANSWER- The answer to the last riddle is, the man in the bar had hiccups which is why he asked for a glass of water. The bartender upon realising this pointed a gun at him to give him a shock, which worked and cured his hiccups.
NEXT RIDDLE- Five men are heading towards a building. On the way there it starts to rain so four of them quicken pace to get there faster, but the fifth man does not make any effort to move any faster. How did he still keep up with them and also stay dry?
Admittedly this one was proved wrong. DEBUNKED.